Next steps to building strong and effective ICSs across England Our response to NHS England and NHS Improvement's proposals on the future of integrated care systems. 8 January 2021
Urgent and emergency care clinical review of standards A summary of proposals on urgent and emergency care standards. 15 December 2020
Delivering the COVID19 vaccine: Examples from around the country Speakers from PCNs and CCGs share how they are addressing the practicalities of setting up a vaccination programme at speed and scale. 2 December 2020
Ten high-impact actions for integrated care success In the absence of a defined blueprint for integrated care system success, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS present their learning. 27 November 2020
Tackling health inequalities Tangible approaches to tackling the greatest societal challenge of our age – health inequalities. 20 November 2020
Ensuring employment support for people with mental health problems How systems and their partners can ensure appropriate employment support for people with mental health problems. 16 October 2020
NHS Reset: a new direction for health and care NHS Confederation members’ views on the COVID-19 pandemic and a possible direction for health and care in the aftermath of the pandemic. 29 September 2020
Creating a new normal for CCG business as usual A tool to help commissioners capitalise on the opportunities for improved system working as they review core functions in light of the COVID response. 28 September 2020
Next steps for system working The views of system leaders on what the asks of government might be to support a step change in system working. 8 September 2020
CCG mergers A prompt for CCGs thinking about their local merger process, and for local government colleagues where their CCGs may be thinking about a merger. 2 September 2020
Looking forward Mental health providers and commissioners convene to consider what the future demand is likely to be for mental health services. 5 August 2020
Getting the NHS back on track This report outlines the key challenges local organisations will face as they recover from the first wave of COVID-19. 10 June 2020