Digital ICS Programme

Supporting integrated care system leaders seize the digital opportunity and deliver their system ambitions.

The Digital ICS programme is a free support offer designed to support all integrated care board (ICB) and integrated care system (ICS) leaders to better harness digital transformation to enable delivery of system ambitions. 

Delivered in partnership with NHS Providers and Public Digital, and supported by NHS England as part of their NHS Digital Academy, the programme gives ICB and ICS leaders access to digital transformation experts, peer learning and expert facilitation. The programme is an extension of the NHS Providers’ Digital Boards programme for NHS trust leaders. 

Digital transformation is a fundamental enabler in achieving the four core purposes of ICSs and therefore it is critical that all system leaders understand their role in driving the digital agenda. All ICSs are different in their design and we take a highly bespoke approach to this programme so that we can provide appropriate and tailored support to each individual system.

ICSs that take advantage of our programme are supported to: 

  • Build the understanding, confidence and capability of ICS leaders to drive the digital agenda.
  • Develop stronger collective ownership and awareness of the role digital transformation plays as a critical enabler of achieving the four core purposes of ICSs. 

In the first year of programme delivery, we have engaged 89% of ICSs through our bespoke development support, peer learning and insights sharing. 

“The Digital ICS leaders workshop helped us align what we mean by digital and how it is an enabler for our broader priorities. It was pitched at just the right level for an audience of differing backgrounds and experiences and we are now discussing how we take this forward in a second session.” 
Cedi Frederick, Chair, Kent and Medway ICB

Read our quarterly insight papers

  1. Supporting ICS leaders to harness the potential of the digital agenda – the emerging picture of delivering digital across ICSs
  2. From competition to collaboration – the power of digital as a lever
  3. Creating the right conditions for success  using the full range of levers to drive the digital agenda
  4. Eating the elephant – breaking down the system digital transformation challenge
  5. Five traits of effective ICS digital leadership
  6. Developing a useful ICS digital strategy
  7. Keeping your ICS safe from cyber attacks

Programme overview

The Digital ICS programme provides system leaders with protected space to discuss digital transformation and the enabling role it plays in addressing broader system priorities. 

Systems are faced with a challenging digital landscape, including operational pressures, funding constraints, workforce shortages and stretched operational capacity. A new way of working is needed to address these challenges, and the Digital ICS programme supports ICS leaders to build their understanding of digital at a system level and their collective role in driving digital transformation. 

The programme focuses on sharing expert insight, good practice and peer learning on digital transformation through a set of free and voluntary leadership development sessions, events and resources. 

The offer includes free:

  • ICS leadership development sessions – bespoke agendas will be co-designed with ICS leaders to meet the specific digital needs of the system and will enable the ICB and other leadership groups to reflect on how digital can support delivery of the core strategic purposes of the ICS
  • Peer learning events – our events give system leaders the opportunity to hear from peers across the health and care and other sectors, share good practice, explore the art of the possible and learn key factors for successful digital transformation
  • Resources and insight briefings – our quarterly insight briefings share learnings and emerging good practice from across the sector.

Contact Us

Contact the Digital ICS team to find out more about how these offers can support you and your system.