The ICS Network Board

The ICS Network is the only independent national network representing all 42 ICSs and is led by the ICS Network Board and supported by a team.

Our ICS Network is supported by a team of staff who lead on communications, policy and member engagement, working closely with all our membership to ensure their views are represented at a national level and you can see who they are on the ICS Network Team tab. 

The ICS Network is led by our ICS Network Board, made of up of seven members who, together, ensure representation from both ICSs and the Local Government Association (LGA), and bring tremendous skills and experience. 
The ICS Network Board provides strategic oversight of the ICS Network, helping to shape its priorities and future direction and ensuring that it is able to build a strong and effective national voice for its ICS members.  

“Connecting with other ICS Chairs is really valuable for me. I value being part of a network that’s part of the broader NHS confederation.”  

Jenni Douglas-Todd, Chair, Dorset Integrated Care Board

Meet the ICS Network Board