
NHS Confederation responds to the latest NHS Workforce Statistics

Dr Layla McCay responds to the latest NHS Workforce Statistics

28 September 2023

Responding to the latest NHS workforce statistics, Dr Layla McCay, director of policy at the NHS Confederation said:

"It is encouraging that these numbers show more nurses taking roles in the NHS compared to pre pandemic levels and a lower level of staff leaving across the service. But even so, as we enter another difficult winter healthcare leaders are concerned that chronic workforce shortages will undermine strides into bringing down waiting lists for elective care and caring for patients to keep them as well as possible in the community.

“With the aftermath of industrial action from both consultants and junior doctors and with further walkouts to come, staff are exhausted and burnt out with staff leaving the NHS due to poor work-life balance.

“With over 100,000 vacancies in the NHS, leaders will be keen to see the welcome NHS Long Term Workforce plan fully funded by the government and rolled out as it will make a difference in closing the workforce gap.

“In the meantime, our members are focused on things they can do to improve working conditions for their people. Staff retention is key and it is vital that the government puts as much focus on retaining current staff as they have on recruiting new staff.”