
Understanding Public Attitudes towards the NHS

This webinar will focus on our public perceptions work which was conducted by Ipsos Mori and Public First.

General information

10 November 2023 14:00 - 15:00 GMT
Member only


This is the first of a series of two webinars designed to support members to understand public attitudes towards the NHS, how the health service is likely to feature in the run up to the election, and what messaging and other tactics are most likely to shore up public support for the NHS.

This session will be chaired by our chief executive Matthew Taylor as we outline findings from unique research that the NHS Confederation has commissioned Ipsos and Public First to undertake, some of which we published earlier this summer. The research looked at the public’s experience and perceptions of the NHS across a range of areas including access, staff, funding and capacity, offering insights that will be valuable at a regional and system level. The session will also include an opportunity for questions and answers.

Members from across the health and care sector are welcome to attend, particularly chairs, chief executives, executive and deputy directors, as well as communications leads.

Please note that this will be a private, member-only, session where we intend to share insights from our research that will not be made more widely available.