
Backbench Business Committee debate on the NHS: parliamentary briefing

The NHS Confederation produced a briefing for MPs ahead of a Backbench Business Debate on the future of the NHS, its funding and staffing.

23 February 2023

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On Thursday 23rd February 2023, the Backbench Business Committee held a debate in the House of Commons on the future of the NHS, looking specifically at funding and workforce. 

The NHS Confederation sent a briefing to MPs setting out that spending money on the NHS isn’t just about plugging gaps. Health spending drives innovation and growth in communities across the UK. 

It also set out the key threats to the future of the NHS identified by health leaders: 

  • The lack of capital investment is undermining efforts to reduce waiting lists and is putting patient safety at risk.
  • The significant workforce shortages, which should be addressed in the promised workforce plan, which should be fully funded.
  • The social care workforce shortages are impacting the NHS. Workers need to be incentivised to join and stay in the social care workforce.
  • The rising cost of living which is causing a public health crisis.