
Spotlight On Rupa Joshi

I have been a front-line GP for 21 years in Berkshire West. I am also the managing partner at my surgery and Berkshire West PCNs.

25 July 2022


  • Headshot of Rupa Joshi
    Dr Rupa Joshi
    GP, Co-Clinical Director of Wokingham North PCN, and Deputy Chair of Berkshire West Primary Care Alliance

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I have been a front-line GP for 21 years in Berkshire West. I am also the managing partner at my surgery and I am workforce lead for Berkshire West PCNs. I recently started working for Health Education England (LINK) as a Training Hub (LINK) programme director.

I have a keen interest in workforce and quality improvement. I am clinical advisor for the Primary Care Transformation team (Time for care team) and have used the QI skills and knowledge from this role to help embed sustainable change at practice, PCN and Place and system levels. I am a facilitator of the Phoenix GP retention scheme, a qualified coach and lifestyle medic. I have been delivering group consultations since 2017.

When did you join NHS Confederation and why? 
I first joined the NHS Confederation around three years ago. I take pride in being one of the founding members and helped shape our direction of travel. It was a new and exciting opportunity for me to be part of a team with like-minded people who share my values. We were an enthusiastic and dedicated group who were all committed to making a difference to primary care. We were keen to ensure our grassroots voices were heard in order to influence policy and improve the working day for all primary care professionals and improve care for our patients.

What does it mean to you to be a member of the Primary Care Network Advisory Group?

As a member of the advisory group we have welcomed new members from across  PCNs and primary care Federations, all bringing fresh ideas and influence. We are here to support primary care in all that we do, navigating the changing landscape, embracing new innovations and learning to spread and embed new ideas and ways of working across our membership and beyond. I am excited to be part of this team. I have high hopes and positive aspirations of what we can achieve if we work together. For me, the priority is listening to each other, using our diversity of thought and engaging spirit.

What excites you the most about the direction of the NHS Confederation, and how will you contribute towards it?

When I first joined the network, I was fairly quiet. I had a lot of ideas but I didn't have the confidence to speak up, I didn't believe that people would be interested in my view point. Being part of NHS Confederation has helped me find my voice. It has taught me that my grassroots voice matters, and my ideas are worth listening to. I have had so much support from my peers and the team at NHS Confederation, we have been on a journey together and I am whole-heartedly proud of each and every person I have worked with and what they have gone onto achieve. This is now the beginning of a new chapter for primary care and there is a lot of work to do, but we are all up for the challenge!

What is something members of the network, staff and even other Advisory Board members might be surprised to know about you?

I love a good pub quiz and fancy-dress parties! My best outfits so far have been Supergirl, Princess Leia and Queen Amidala. My ideal day off would be spending time with friends at the spa or at the beach.

My greatest achievement is being a finalist for the GP of the year award!