
NHS Confederation responds to the latest NHS performance statistics (April 2023)

Dr Layla McCay responds to the latest NHS performance statistics

13 April 2023

Responding to the latest performance figures for the NHS in England, Dr Layla McCay, director of policy at the NHS Confederation said:

"While the NHS comes out of the worst winter on record, and despite a tumultuous couple of months of industrial action, these numbers show that NHS leaders and their staff have made great efforts in continuing to drive down long waits for patients.

“The pressure however continues to be relentless with record demand for care as shown by A&E attendances and ambulance call outs being at the highest levels recorded so far this year. The NHS has still managed as well as can be expected, thanks largely to extensive planning undertaken ahead of winter, with new initiatives such as dedicated fall services slowing the growth in demand.

“Despite all the progress, we know that there are areas where further improvements will need to be made. The figures for 12-hour A&E waits from arrival show that too many patients are having to wait longer than NHS leaders would want or expect. This is an ongoing priority for NHS leaders and their teams and has been addressed following the steps taken in the recent urgent and emergency care recovery plan.     

“Many NHS staff are overworked and burnt out. With the junior doctor strikes ongoing, NHS leaders are continuing to do all they can to minimise the disruption. But leaders are worried about what this might mean for their ongoing efforts to reduce waiting lists longer term. Ahead of this week’s strikes over 280,000 appointments and procedures have been postponed which will inevitably slow down progress.

“The NHS continues to go above and beyond to deliver for their patients, especially as the service has faced countless disruption as well as being in the midst of one. This is all while battling with the backdrop of 124,000 vacancies. We continue to urge the government and unions to resume talks for the sake of patients and we have called for the BMA and the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to engage with Acas over the dispute around junior doctors pay'. This is needed to help bring the dispute to an end so that the NHS can get back on track and hit key targets on reducing waiting lists and focusing on providing high quality care to patients.”