NHS Confederation launches anti-racism offer for members

The NHS Confederation is taking steps to tackle inequality and racism in particular, with the launch of a new anti-racism strategy offer for members.
Developed by our members, our staff at all levels, and our Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff network, the offer will support members to tackle racism in the workforce and focus on reducing health inequalities.
Anti-racism is a key strand of our equality, diversity and inclusion programme, and we are also adopting the anti-racism strategy within the NHS Confederation. Being an anti-racist organisation means that we actively target, challenge and remove systemic barriers that enable racism, recognising that this is a corporate responsibility where commitment, understanding and action to eliminate racism and reduce health inequalities really matters:
- Commitment - because for years we have not had the concerted action that drives successful outcomes in diversifying non-executive and executive leadership to assist in creating anti-racist organisations.
- Understanding – means we use the evidence base to inform the personal and organisational leadership and accountability required to eliminate racism.
- Action – because commitment and understanding are meaningless if we do not act.
In her blog, No Shortcuts to Tackling Racism, Joan Saddler, director of partnerships and equality at the NHS Confederation, discusses what action the NHS Confederation is taking, and shares the overwhelming evidence that racism produces inequity and reduces racialised communities’ access to, experiences of, and outcomes from, NHS care.
Find out more about the anti-racism strategy.