About the Community Network

Our vision is to be an effective network for all trusts and not-for-profit organisations providing NHS community health services.

Our priorities

We have agreed a number of key priorities with the members of our Community Network:

  1. Provide a clear voice for community providers during the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially around the backlog of care in community services and ongoing COVID-19 related pressures.
  2. Promote the role of community services in new models of integrated care and support community providers as systems transition to statutory bodies in April 2022
  3. Continue to call for equitable and transparent funding and resource for the community sector.
  4. Call for appropriate and well-funded public health infrastructure locally and nationally

We represent

We represent the views of providers of NHS community services to decision-makers, stakeholders and the media, giving national voice to their concerns. We shape the national policy debate to raise the profile of the pivotal role community services play in delivering high quality, integrated care. 

We support

We support members to develop solutions by sharing ideas, insights and best practice with a particular focus on high-quality, integrated care for patients and service users. We develop products to support our members and influence on their behalf. To sign up to receive the Community Network’s newsletter, email sara.gariban@nhsproviders.org 

We connect

We host three network events a year where members can come together, hear from senior leaders, including those working in the national bodies, and share their own learning.

In addition to the Community Network, being a member of the NHS Confederation means community provider members can also benefit from our other Confederation member forums, action learning sets, professional development programmes and connections across the system, including with our networks for integrated care systems, primary care networks and federations and CCGs.