Celebrating Community Services

Recognising the vital role that community health services play in helping people live healthier lives closer to home.

Celebrating Community Services week takes place annually, shining a light on the role, breadth and importance of community health services.

Hosted by the NHS Confederation and NHS Providers, the week exists primarily on social media using #CelebratingCommunityServices to bring services to life, celebrate the sector’s successes and the impact this has on people’s lives.

In 2023, our focus was on the difference community services make for children and young people. It featured a series of videos from our members and beyond.

How to get involved

Every year, we are ask community providers to get involved to share their successes – whether it’s a case study, a testimonial, a shout-out to your team or more using #CelebratingCommunityServices. The main thing is to raise the visibility of these services.

You don't have to wait until Autumn 2024 to share your success, either - keep using the hashtag all year round and tag us in @NHSConfed and @NHSProviders and we'll help to amplify your success.

View all of our #CelebratingCommunityServices videos in our Youtube playlist

Click the 1/29 button in the top right hand corner to scroll through the videos