
Watch: Digital hubs - practical insights and next steps

Watch examples from Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHSFT and Salisbury NHSFT as they share their experience of delivering a digital hub.
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17 May 2023 13:45 - 15:00 GMT


  • Matthew Taylor - Chief Executive
    Matthew Taylor
    Chief Executive NHS Confederation
  • Stacey Hunter External link icon
    Chief Executive of Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
  • Trish Cavanagh External link icon
    Deputy Chief Executive of Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust

Attendees to this session heard from those with embedded and developing digital hubs, to help guide their thinking on innovative ways to tackle long waits for urgent care, inappropriate referrals to services, and gaps between services.

We heard from Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHSFT and Salisbury NHSFT about their experience of delivering a digital hub including the difference they have made as well as the potential to make them more effective.

Sometimes misunderstood as a triage service, a digital hub is a co-located virtual clinical consultation service. By using a group of clinicians in various roles including nurse, doctor and allied health professionals, they are able to best decide, in partnership with the ambulance service, which care patients need if ambulance conveyance to hospital is not the best course of action. This approach ensures patients’ needs are being better met, it avoids unnecessary ambulance conveyances to hospital, and reduces the call stack so ambulances can respond appropriately to the calls only they can treat.

- Chair - Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation
- Stacey Hunter, Chief Executive of Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
- Trish Cavanagh, Deputy Chief Executive of Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust


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