No One Left Behind: Anti-racist Healthcare Conference 2025

In 2025 we invite you to join the NHS Confederation and the BME Leadership Network on our programme of action to support the NHS to achieve its goals of anti-racism for both its workforce and service provision, with the goal of improving services for all communities.
Racism not only undermines the standards access, experience and outcomes for racialised communities, it also normalises the lowering of standards for racialised communities in a way that impacts negatively on the quality of care for everyone.
The NHS as an organisation, maintains broad public support and credibility to speak with authority in defence of its principles of universality, inclusivity and equality. It has a duty to do so in the interest of patient care. This remains of particular importance against the backdrop of division and social unrest witnessed over the past 12 months.
Programme and speakers
Our annual conference will be hosted by nurse, professor, author and campaigner Dame Elizabeth Anionwu, with speakers including chair of the Runnymede Trust and former CEO and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, Professor Dame Donna Kinnair and Liz Fekete, director of the Institute of Race Relations.
We are currently finalising our conference programme and further information will be confirmed soon.
“ As a new government prepares to deliver a new Ten-Year Plan – we are rising to the challenge of making sure no one is left behind.
The ambition for the NHS was not just that it be free to all, but that it provides the best care to all when they need it.
The NHS has long been aware of lower levels of satisfaction with and outcomes from its services among patients from racialised communities as well as growing need in, and widening inequalities impacting, those communities.
Our role as leaders is to provide the highest possible standards of care to all – it is time to come together to share perspectives, discuss solutions and build a future NHS that is truly antiracist."
Wayne Farah, Co-chair, BME Leadership Network