About the Acute Network

We support you by providing an influential national voice and bringing you together with leaders across the health and care system.

We represent providers from across the country on matters relating to patient flow, elective recovery, urgent and emergency care and other key issues.  As a network, we engage with stakeholders and key policy makers and aim to influence the policy and operational environment on behalf of our members.  ​

​We ensure our members' views, their expert knowledge and concerns on the issues that matter most to them are at the centre of the work we do. ​

We focus on:​

  1. Highlighting and communicating the current climate in acute care ​

  2. Collaboration and engagement to understand problems and improvement ​

  3. Influencing national policymaking and legislation​

  4. Providing updates, news, analysis and insights from a strategic perspective ​

  5. Identifying, showcasing and spreading good practice across our membership and the wider health and care system. 

Our priorities

    • We have a range of sessions and roundtable opportunities to allow leaders to share their views, experience and points of concerns that we can use to lobby for change​.

    • We provide a community and space for members to share learning, work through from problems to solutions and collectively drive the change needed.

    • Ensure we voice the concerns, challenges and views of our members at a strategic and national level to help drive policy change and directives to support the recovery​.

    • Create spaces to discuss and spark innovation for new ways of working to support the elective recovery.

    • Offer a community and network space for leaders to share best practice and learn from each other.

    • Ensure we voice the concerns, challenges and views of our members regarding their role in systems.

    • Create spaces to discuss and spark innovation for new ways of working to support members in working at system and place level.

    • Use our networks and reach across the whole healthcare system to share best practice and support members in engaging with all parts of the health and care system.

    • Support provider collaboration in all its forms whether at place, system or cross-system level.​

    • Provide a safe space for collaborative leaders to come together, tackle knotty issues and share and learn​.

    • Listen to members and influence guidance on their behalf to support the development of policy which enable collaboration to flourish.

    • Create opportunities for place leaders to network and connect​.

    • Showcase and celebrate the diversity in development of place-based partnerships to offer learning opportunities for those working at place level​.

    • Focus on the opportunities to integrate, collaborate and innovate when working at place, and aim to generate positive focus.

    • Be an advocate for the national workforce transformation plan and priorities by ensuring we amplify the voice and needs of our members.

    • Continuously highlight, escalate and report on workforce culture, burn-out, moral injury and pressures.

    • Provide a space to share, collaborate and explore new roles/ways of working to meet demands.

Supporting improvement

We are always looking for good stories to tell about how the NHS is innovating and improving services for patients. If you have a something to share, please email tellus@nhsconfed.org

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