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Showing 1561 - 1572 of 1580 results

Anti-Bribery Policy

Our responsibilities, and the responsibilities of those working for us, in preventing bribery and corruption

30 November 2021

Acceptable Use Policy

The conditions of use and the expected behaviours of those with access to the NHS Confederation’s systems.

31 October 2020

Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD)

Ensuring the NHS Confederation remains in control of the data for which it is responsible, regardless of the ownership of the device used.

30 October 2020

IT Security Policy and Procedures

The NHS Confederation’s position and arrangements for the installation and use of IT facilities and equipment, including dealing with any abuse.

30 October 2020

Citizens as partners

Work underway at Stort Valley and Villages PCN to support pillar two of the vision for primary care.

4 October 2023

Reference list

Source information for the infographic on why mental health, autism and learning disability services have to change.

2 December 2022