
Watch: Women in Health and Care Leading for Change

The Health and Care Women Leaders Network held its annual conference on Tuesday 8 November.

General information

8 November 2022 09:30 GMT
Open to all


  • Sam Allen
    Samantha Allen
    Chief Executive, North East & North Cumbria Integrated Care Board
  • Dame Lesley Regan
    Dame Lesley Regan
    Women's Health Ambassador for England Women's Health Ambassador for England
  • Headshot of Simon Fleming
    Simon Fleming
    London-based, orthopaedic hand and wrist surgeon
  • SR
    Susie Ramroop
    Mindset coach, author, and international speaker. Mindset Coach and International Speaker
  • Charlie Brown
    Charlie Brown
    CEO, Staff College Staff College
  • Jane Jones
    Jane Jones
    Faculty Member, Staff College Staff College
  • Kate Jarman
    Kate Jarman
    Director of corporate affairs at Milton Keynes University Hospital and co-founder of Flex NHS Milton Keynes University Hospital
  • Lena S
    Lena Samuels
    Chair of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board
  • Partha Kar
    Professor Partha Kar
    National Specialty Advisor NHS England
  • Headshot of Jane Galloway
    Jane Galloway
    Founder & Director of Quiet the Hive Quiet the Hive
  • Sonali Kinra
    Dr Sonali Kinra
    General Practitioner and Clinical Associate NHS England
  • Phillip Masua
    Phillip Masuwa
    Head of Staff Experience and Engagement NHS England
  • Carrie-Ann Wade
    Carrie-Ann Wade
    Communications director and founder of Cat’s Pajamas
  • Tracie Jolliff
    Tracie Jolliff
    Inclusive, Anti-racist Leadership and Systems Development Specialist
  • Adam Doyle
    Adam Doyle
    Trustee and Chief Executive Officer for the Sussex Integrated Care Board (NHS Sussex) Sussex Integrated Care Board
  • Sheinaz Stansfield
    Sheinaz Stansfield
    Managing Partner at Oxford Terrace and Rawling Road Medical Group Oxford Terrace and Rawling Road Medical Group
  • Carolyn Parker
    Carolyn Parker
    Organisational Development Consultant at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Siobhan Melia
    Siobhan Melia
    Interim Chief Executive at South East Coast Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust South East Coast Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust
  • Headshot of Anna Parry
    Anna Parry
    Anna Parry, Deputy Managing Director of the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives Association of Ambulance Chief Executives
  • Headshot of Helen Ray
    Helen Ray
    Chief Executive at North East Ambulance Service North East Ambulance Service

Delivered by the NHS Confederation’s Health and Care Women Leaders Network. 

On Tuesday 8 November 2022 we held our sixth annual conference, this was a face to face event, hosted by our network chair, Samantha Allen, chief executive of North East and North Cumbria integrated care board (ICB).

The conference focused on supporting delegates personal and professional development and providing a space for learning. The programme also looked at work underway within the sector and the network to progress gender equality, with a focus on women’s safety, women’s health, inclusive leadership and supporting creative disruptors.

On the day delegates participated in an interactive programme including opportunities for networking, learning and developing. Inspirational speakers shared their stories and discussed the issues currently challenging our sector and beyond including closing the gender health gap and improving women’s safety.


  • Samantha Allen, Chair, Health & Care Women Leaders Network

  • Supporting creative disruptors

    Chair - Samantha Allen, Chief Executive, North East & North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

    Guests: Kate Jarman, Sheinaz Stansfield, Simon Fleming, Partha Kar    

    Acknowledging that to create positive change, activism and creative disruption are key tools listen to Sam and guests discussing what creative actions we can take to affect change for ourselves and others with protected characteristics, and how we ensure allies are protected when they step into the public forum to support us – what is the wrap-around care we can offer? How do we balance affirmative action with our responsibilities as leaders?

  • Getting it right for women and girls

    Hear Dame Lesley talk about her recent appointment as the Governments first ever Women’s Health Ambassador for England, and how she plans to make a real difference to women by addressing the inequalities that exist within the healthcare system and across society.

  • 1. Inclusive leadership and modelling the behaviours

    The NHS Confederation's EDI leadership networks have agreed a definition of inclusive leadership. In this interactive session we will explore the behaviours that support the definition and those that do not. 

    Adam Doyle, Chief Executive Officer, Sussex Integrated Care Board (NHS Sussex) 

    2. Creating a life you love

    Following the theme ‘creating a life you love’ - this session will introduce you to the concept of the wheel of life, and three tools that you can use outside of the session to keep you on track with your goals and ambitions.

    Jane Galloway, Quiet the hive

    3. How can white women show up as actively anti-racist and be true allies to women of colour?

    In this session Tracie Jolliff and Carolyn Parker will consider the importance of understanding issues of race, racism and anti-racism; and the role of white women in being true allies to women of colour.

    Tracie Jolliff, Head of Inclusive System Development, NHS England and Carolyn Parker, Organisational Development Consultant, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

  • 1. Leading teams well

    This interactive workshop will help you explore the dynamic demands for leaders of completing tasks, developing and maintaining teams, attending to the needs of individual members, and the tension present between these elements.  It will give you some headspace to reflect on your leadership now and consider where you want to focus your energy and time going forwards.

    Charlie Brown, Chief Executive Officer, Staff College and Dr Jane Jones, Staff College Faculty Member and Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Cardiff University Hospital

    2. Getting the ICB culture right

    What we are here to do? How do we develop the right culture to work together? How do we make the most of different perspectives from across the system, to provide us with new ideas and solutions?

    Lena Samuels, Chair, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board  

    3. Getting comfortable with boundaries

    In this session, we will explore why we need boundaries in the workplace and how we can maintain them. We will explore what happens when we don’t set boundaries, why we struggle to stick to them and how important it is to be clear on your boundaries as a leader. 

    Carrie-Anne Wade, Director, Cat's Pajamas

  • Be the leader you want to see

    Susie Ramroop. Mindset Coach and Author

    Many women feel like there is a style of leadership that they can only aspire to. Susie Ramroop believes there is the perfect style, and it's yours! This session will bring laser focus to your action taking so that you can see the difference in your leadership and fast. Whether you believe you are already at the leadership level you desire or you know there are steps you need to take to get there, this powerful talk will help you wave goodbye to feelings of overwhelm and inadequacy, and start enjoying the journey!

    Based on the 3 pillars of the "Be The Leader You Want To See" book: Awareness, Bravery, Contribution, this three step process will show you how to think bigger and play bigger with seemingly less effort. It will show you:

    ·        How to tap into the very best of the skills, knowledge and attributes you already have

    ·        How to lead your way

    ·        How to market yourself effectively

  • Dr Sonali Kinra, Sessional GP, London and Clinical Associate Primary care, NHS England and Phillip Masuwa, Head of Staff Experience and Engagement, North East & Yorkshire Region, NHS England

    Dr Sonali Kinra and Phillip Masuwa talk about their innovative primary care BAME sponsorship programme and its potential as a model for others to follow. 

  • Kate Jarman, Founder NHSProjectS, Director of Corporate Affairs at Milton Keynes University Hospital 


    Kate talks about NHSProjectS, an initiative to support the personal safety of women working in the NHS. 

  • Guests: Siobhan Melia, Interim Chief Executive, South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, Helen Ray, Chief Executive, North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust and Anna Parry, Deputy Managing Director, AACE

    Sam and her guests talk about leading improvement and culture change in the ambulance sector - sharing their learning and leadership insights.

  • Samantha Allen, Chair, Health & Care Women Leaders Network

Take a look at some highlights from the day in this video.

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