The future of neighbourhood health

Earlier this month, we launched our foundational research on neighbourhood health with Local Trust and PPL. This session will summarise the key findings and recommendations from the report, with a focus on the changes needed in the NHS. Additionally, Bay Primary Care Network will share insights into their work on developing neighbourhood working models.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions about the NHS Confederation's programme on neighbourhood health and to discuss the future of neighbourhood working in the context of the upcoming 10-year plan.
The session will be recorded for sharing within the app and will take place on Microsoft Teams. As such, by joining this event, your name and email address may be visible through Microsoft Teams to other members of the network. This is functionality of Microsoft Teams we cannot alter. By signing up to this event you are consenting for your data to be visible in this way. Please note, during the meeting you may be able to turn off your camera and alter your name.