Mental health bill 2024: what you need to know Summary and analysis of the government manifesto commitment to modernise mental health legislation to give patients greater choice. 14 November 2024
The role of the independent sector in mental health and learning disabilities services A look at the role and value of the independent sector in mental health and learning disabilities services, with examples of initiatives developed. 4 October 2024
Reducing out-of-area placements Reducing the number of out-of-area placements for patients receiving mental health services. 15 May 2024
Improving health and care together Find out more about how we support health and care organisations, systems and leaders. 16 February 2024
Turning Point: Crisis Support and Recovery Lounge How drop-in support services in Manchester are filling a gap in mental health provision, reducing A&E attendance and complementing the wider system. 26 October 2023
Cygnet Health Care: Experts by Experience How recruiting people with lived experience of inpatient services can help to transform care and inform decision making. 10 October 2023
South West London & St George's: Springfield Village and Trinity A major redevelopment project has transformed South West London's mental health estate. 26 September 2023
Delivering a preventative mental health culture in Bury schools A programme of mental health education in primary schools is having a significant impact in Bury schools. 2 August 2023
In train? An update on mental health nurse education A stocktake on the mental health nurse workforce. 16 May 2023
Partnership working in Doncaster to support children and young people’s mental health A multi-agency approach has led to reduced delays and improved access to help and support for children and young people in Doncaster. 6 April 2023
Embedding mental health expertise into housing teams Placing a mental health nurse in a housing team has ensured the right mental health support is in place and aligned with housing need. 6 April 2023
Scalable innovation for mental health care and support NHS and public health services in Shropshire worked in partnership to provide early mental health intervention and rapid-access pathways. 6 April 2023