Letting local systems lead NHS leaders’ views on issues that are critical to embedding system working in local areas. 16 November 2018
Why housing matters to health and care An overview of the benefits of housing working with health and care and showcases examples where housing and health work collaboratively. 14 November 2018
Shifting the centre of gravity A vision for a community-based preventative service which supports people to stay healthy and independent for as long as possible. 14 November 2018
Public Accounts Committee’s inquiry into mental health services for children and young people Call for NHS England to ringfence funding for children and young people’s mental health. 9 November 2018
Transforming clinical services in Hywel Dda A deep dive into the work undertaken by Hywel Dda University Health Board to transforming clinical services. 9 November 2018
Towards a future vision for general practice General practice must be at the heart of a broader move to an out-of-hospital care offer that works for and driven by the needs of local populations 1 November 2018
Contracting arrangements for integrated care providers The ICP contract is not a means to integration – strong local relationships must come first, say clinical commissioners. 31 October 2018
Looking after our staff and supporting their health and wellbeing An overview of the importance of promoting staff health and wellbeing and providing services to support them. 31 October 2018
NHS payment reform proposals 2019/20 NHS Improvement and NHS England not gone far enough to ensure payment system supports new approaches providers and commissioners are adopting locally. 29 October 2018
Helping to address delayed discharges in South London Specialist service bringing together teams to work with patients whose housing problems are delaying discharge from hospital 19 October 2018
The future is out there How are local leaders working together to ‘hit reset’ on how care is delivered and experienced across England? 18 October 2018
The reality behind the 2019–24 NHS funding settlement This infographic outlines the financial challenge facing the NHS over the next five years. 12 October 2018