The role and functions of the CCG medicines optimisation teams

The healthcare architecture in England is changing. To support integration of care services, the government's white paper, Integration and Innovation, sets out a plan to establish statutory integrated care systems (ICSs). These bodies will replace and take over commissioning functions from clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in April 2022, moving to a strategic resource planning approach.
Key points
- Ahead of this transition, this report reflects on the crucial role and functions that CCGs' medicines optimisation teams currently deliver in the existing healthcare architecture to improve patient care.
- ICS are tasked with enabling system working, collaboration and integration.
- In supporting this report, NHS Clinical Commissioners hopes that ICSs and national policymakers will build their knowledge of CCG medicines optimisation and ensure the safe transfer of it as a commissioning function within the new architecture.
- This paper sets out four main themes which outline the role and functions of CCG medicines optimisation teams: medicines commissioning; medicines finance, medicines safety and quality; medicines across the system.
- We have included a diagram to show most of the roles and functions which sit under the headings, but the list continuously eveloves and this iteration should not be considered to be exhaustive.
- As ICSs start to take place in their shadow form, we hope that the role of medicines optimisation is truly considered in advance of structures and governance processes established.