Consultation response

Designing a public services workforce fit for the future: evidence to the House of Lords Public Services Committee inquiry

Our response to the Public Services Committee’s inquiry into the public sector workforce. 

28 February 2022

Read THE EVIDENCE External link icon

Views from across the NHS on workforce pressures, collaboration with other public sector organisations and what more is required.

Our members tell us about the reality on the frontline in hospitals, community and primary care services, where high vacancy levels is leading to increased strain on the NHS, highlighting the need for a clear workforce plan to help address this issue.

This evidence will provide information and insight to the Lords Public Services Committee's inquiry 'Designing a public sector workforce fit for the future' that goes beyond headlines on workforce pressures (which predate the COVID-19 pandemic). It also provides examples where the NHS is already working well with other public service employers at a local level, to improve outcomes.