
Supporting the LGBTQ+ population tweet chat

The latest in our series of tweet chats looked at how we can listen to service users and take responsibility for collecting and reporting data.

General information

10 August 2021 11:30 - 12:30 GMT
Open to all


This tweet chat considered how we can support the LGBTQ+ population. The event focused on listening to service users and taking responsibility for collecting and reporting data.

Chaired by Dr Layla McCay, director of policy at NHS Confederation and co-chair of the Health and Care LGBTQ+ Leaders’ Network, the tweet chat:

  • explored how we can best engage LGBTQ+ patients in developing services
  • shared examples of successful collaboration with local LGBTQ+ community and charity organisations
  • discussed barriers faced in reporting accurate sexual orientation and gender identity information to the NHS data set.

@NHSC_LGBTQ #ProudServices