Corporate publication

Acceptable Use Policy

The conditions of use and the expected behaviours of those with access to the NHS Confederation’s systems.

31 October 2020

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Purpose of this policy

The NHS Confederation provides access to a range of electronic communication facilities to promote and enable a positive and extensive use of IT to support the delivery of our business and the fulfilment of our charitable objectives. These facilities are an integral part of our daily communications and the key mechanism by which we exchange information with each other and with external contacts. This policy details the conditions of use and the expected behaviours of those with access to the NHS Confederation’s systems.


This policy applies to everyone working at or with the NHS Confederation1 that use the NHS Confederation’s systems and equipment. It applies to:

  • all staff, including chief executives, directors, senior managers, employees (whether permanent, fixed-term or temporary), seconded staff, homeworkers, agency workers and volunteers;
  • consultants and contractors;
  • board and committee members. Any employing or contracting manager must ensure that all temporary staff, consultants, or contractors are aware of this policy.

By the NHS Confederation we mean the NHS Confederation charity, any subsidiary companies and any networks or country arrangements. The NHS Confederation has designated the Director of Finance and IT as the individual who is responsible for ensuring that the NHS Confederation implements this policy.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the organisation’s IT policies:

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