Dr Samira Anane

Dr Samira Anane

GP and Deputy Chair of GPC England

Samira Anane works as a Portfolio GP in Manchester and is the Clinical Director for Manchester City Centre & Ancoats PCN. She holds a Non-Executive Director position on the Board of a local Foundation Trust. 

 Samira is the Deputy Chair of the BMA GP Committee in England and has been a representative on GPC for the past 11 years. She was the policy lead for Education, Training and Workforce for 3 years and chaired the national GP Trainees Committee during the 2016 junior doctor contract imposition. She subsequently negotiated the GP trainee work schedules with NHS Employers. Last year she co-chaired the Sessional Committee and organised the Sessional conference. 

Samira is Vice Chair of Manchester LMC and has been a member for the past 13 years, starting as a trainee rep. Locally she’s worked as a CCG Neighbourhood lead and as GP Federation workforce lead. 

Her longstanding interests include but are not limited to training, workforce, and health policy. She recently completed an NIHR in practice fellowship at the University of Manchester and is looking forward to submitting her MPH dissertation later this year.