
Comprehensive Spending Review roundtable

Members took part in a roundtable discussion to shape our priorities for the forthcoming Comprehensive Spending Review.

General information

28 July 2021 12:00 - 13:00 GMT
Member only

This member-only roundtable was hosted for members to help shape our priorities for the forthcoming Comprehensive Spending Review.

The Spending Review is where the government sets out departments' funding over the coming years. It is a key influencing opportunity for the Confederation to describe the financial issues they face, how much money the system needs, and just as importantly, what policy changes and funding flows make for effective results.

The roundtable drop-in sessions provided a chance to hear what’s important for NHS leaders as we put together our submission to HM Treasury in the coming months, and for members to share their experience with financial issues and what the government needs to do.

The session was run by Jonathan Barron, senior policy adviser – NHS finances.