Creating community hubs to support local populations Providing ‘one-stop shops’ for access to voluntary sector support in communities in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 24 November 2023
A population health management-based allocation of funding in Dorset Using data to decide how a tranche of national funding should be shared between primary care networks. 23 November 2023
Driving wellbeing in Merseyside through non-clinical but NHS-run services Offering socially focused interventions to benefit an entire local community, not just patients of the trust. 23 November 2023
Using population health data to underpin transformation change Identifying and supporting high needs groups in Cheshire and Merseyside through detailed data analysis. 23 November 2023
Avoiding hospital admissions for patients with heart failure A new procedure is helping to improve the efficacy of oral medication to help patients with heart failure in North Cumbria. 16 November 2023
Patient-initiated follow up in Leicester, Nottinghamshire, Norfolk and Norwich Three trusts have substantially reduced unnecessary outpatients appointments, overdue referrals and waiting lists through patient-initiated follow up. 10 November 2023
Turning Point: Crisis Support and Recovery Lounge How drop-in support services in Manchester are filling a gap in mental health provision, reducing A&E attendance and complementing the wider system. 26 October 2023
Using a multimedia digital solution to reduce follow-up outpatient appointments Reducing follow-up appointments for knee surgery patients at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust. 19 October 2023
Frimley frailty community response service Implementing a hospital at home service to reduce hospital admissions for frail elderly patients 21 September 2023
A community-centred approach to musculoskeletal care Sussex MSK Partnership developed a community approach that delivered personalised care, increased access for service users, and boosted staff morale. 11 September 2023
Delivering a preventative mental health culture in Bury schools A programme of mental health education in primary schools is having a significant impact in Bury schools. 2 August 2023
Cutting-edge LungVision bronchoscopic navigation system Royal Preston aims to improve the accuracy of peripheral lung cancer diagnoses using the state-of-the-art LungVision bronchoscopic navigation system. 27 July 2023