Headshot of Cornelle Parker

Dr Cornelle Parker

Senior Adviser, Acute Network

Cornelle is a consultant physician in diabetes and endocrinology by background. She was previously the deputy medical director at Calderdale  and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust where she was responsible for medical workforce deployment during COVID-19. She has had a range of roles from Caldicott Guardian, director of research and innovation and executive lead for GIFRT to mortality lead and patient safety specialist.​

 ​Following her MB ChB, she went on to become an honorary senior lecturer and a fellow at the Royal College of Physicians. More recently, she has completed Nye Bevan Programme and is currently working on ILM-5 in coaching.​

​She has also held roles as the director of general medicine, Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and Humber, been a trustee at Inspire North/Community Links and chair at the Royal College of Physicians ​

Her role within NHS Confederation is the provision of specialist and expert advice providing consultancy and guidance to the Acute Network.​

Her personal interest are sailing, traveling and her dogs.​

Follow Cornelle on Twitter at @CornelleParker