Cedi Frederick
In a 40+ year career in the public, not-for-profit and private sectors, Cedi has held a series of senior positions in a local authority and housing associations, including four years as Managing Director of a BAME led housing association. This was followed by twelve years as Chief Executive of a London based, multi-regional charity that supported people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health problems.
Cedi then spent over five years as Chief Executive of a Kent based not-for-profit organisation employing 2,500 staff that cared for and supported over 3000 people a year through its residential homes and homecare support for older people, as well as delivering children, young people and families services.
Cedi has over 30 years’ experience as a member of the boards of housing, social care and sporting national governing bodies, several housing associations and voluntary organisations. This experience includes over 12 years as a Non-Executive Director of two specialist NHS Mental Health Trusts, two years as Chair of an NHS Hospital Trust and eight years as a Governor of Canterbury Christ Church University.
Cedi is currently Chair of NHS Kent and Medway, Chair of the Health and Europe Centre and Chair of NHS London’s Vaccine Legacy Equity Group and is a Non-Executive Director of Sage Housing Ltd.
Cedi is owner and Managing Director of Article Consulting Ltd. Article works with ‘Leaders of today and tomorrow’ by supporting their thinking, planning and resilience as well as CEO Consiliaris Digital Systems, a health tech start up. Cedi also runs a successful executive coaching and mentoring practice.
Cedi has been named on four separate occasions as one of Britain's ‘100 Most Influential Black People’; described as 'unsung hero of the third sector, who has changed as many lives in his life outside of work as he has in his job'.
In 2015, Cedi was recognised as one of the ‘1,000 Black & Asian Heroes 1950-2010’ by Our Heritage TV.