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Exclusively for members, NHS Confederation forums meet regularly to help you think through and address challenging and complex issues. Connect with leaders from across your sector and system to develop solutions to shared challenges.

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  • The NHS Confederation has a strategic partnership with Proud2bOps, which is a national network of operational managers and leaders working within provider health and care organisations spanning the acute, community, mental health and ambulance sectors, as well as primary care and independent and voluntary sector providers.

    With over 500 members from across the UK from a variety of provider organisations, this is a supportive network for operational professionals to come together as a peer community committed to learning and sharing ideas and best practice, whilst fostering trust, respect and confidentiality. The network also enables operational professionals to develop themselves as leaders.

    The Confederation’s partnership with Proud2bOps enables the network to benefit from our reach and national influencing ability, and helps to ensure that the view of the operational front line informs government policy making. In return, the network provides the Confederation with granular feedback from operational professionals.

    The network meets regularly in both regional and national forums, and all operational professionals working in NHS Confederation member organisations are encouraged to join, share new thinking and learning with their peers, and ensure that national policy is co-designed through this strategic partnership.

    To join, please contact Rory Deighton.

  • The adoption and spread of virtual tools to provide care has been at the heart of the NHS’s response to coronavirus. But how can we build on these new service innovations and ways of working to aid recovery and improve care?

    If you’re interested in or work in virtual care, join this learning set to share your views and experience.

    To join, please email Fiona Claridge

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