PCN update

Your go-to source of information and guidance on themes that matters to primary care networks.
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Catch up on previous updates

New enhanced network: Our February 2022 edition leads with news of our new network for primary care, which brings together the PCN Network and Primary Care Federation Network to form a more powerful voice for the sector. It also features a range of new case studies on innovations in social prescribing, personalised care for housebound patients, and a focus on prescriptions.

Population health: Our January 2022 edition brings you resources on the Fuller Stocktake, realigning resource according to need and how PCNs are integral to the system as well as useful case studies, details of our work on behalf of PCNs and dates for your diary.

Vaccination expansion programme: Our 17 December bulletin highlights our guidance amid the expanded booster vaccination programme, while Dr Sayanathan Ganesaratnam writes about how, with the right partnerships, primary care can prepare to meet the challenges this winter. 

Recognising PCNs' achievements: Our 26 November bulletin features a video from PCN Network board member Tara Humphrey on how a recent board meeting gave her team an opportunity to step back and look at the progress they have made. There's also a mix of useful resources, news and dates for your diary.

Primary care as the lynchpin: Our 12 November bulletin reflects on our Primary Care Conference, the review being led by Dr Claire Fuller into primary care support in ICSs, and NHS pressures, as well as updates from our partners and dates for your diary.

Part of the bigger picture: In our 29 October bulletin, Karen Higgins writes about the importance of transforming services and integrated care, Charlotte Wilson writes about primary care at system level and there are briefings on the Winter Access Fund and the Spending Review.

Integrated and at-scale: Our reaction to NHSEI's plan to improve access, co-designing services, recruiting to your multidisciplinary team (MDT) and our MDT webinar recording all feature in the 15 October edition, as well as updates from ourselves and our partners.

Standing with primary care: Our 1 October bulletin explains how we are standing up for primary care, showcases of Primary Care Conference line-up, brings you vital updates and opportunities to influence policy.

Multi-disciplinary teams: There's a focus on multidisciplinary team working and recruitment in our 17 September edition, vaccination programme updates and details on how we have been influencing the Health and Care Bill.

PCN plans: The 3 September edition features comment and analysis on the PCN plans, our influencing work on the vaccination programme, updates on clinical leadership guidance and more.

Tackling health inequalities: Our PCN Network vice chair Kat Dalby-Welsh provides an update of the work of the network on behalf of members and also blogs on tackling health inequalities through the vaccination programme in our 20 August edition. There's updates on our work and important developments from partners not to be missed.

PCNs two years on: Our 6 August edition showcases our report on the successes and challenges faced by PCNs in the two years since their inception. Our chair, Dr Pramit Patel, also reflects on the subject and reveals his vision for addressing current and future challenges. Plus, events and partnership updates.

On the precipice of change: In our 23 July issue, Professor Aruna Garcea writes about the changes on the horizon as part of the NHS reforms, plus details about how you can get involved in #NotTooMuchToMask, ICS Design Framework summary and more.

Where next for primary care?: Our new-look 9 July 2021 edition features highlights from the NHS Confederation conference, a blog asking where next for primary care and other useful information.

Looking forward to Confed21: Our June 2021 edition features a blog from Dr Neil Modha about tackling health inequalities, as well as a look ahead to the NHS Confederation annual conference and our report on the role of primary care in ICSs.

Expanded PCN Network board: Our May 2021 edition focuses on the launch of our expanded board which reflects the diversity of roles within primary care networks and greater geographical representation across England.

Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme: Our April 2021 edition featured resources to help PCNs get to grips with the additional roles and wider workforce issues, as well as a digest of must-read guidance, upcoming events and briefings on the latest NHS planning guidance.

NHS Reform - In our March 2021 edition, Dr Omotayo Kufeji writes about partnership working between PCNs and mental health providers, there is an digest of the latest COVID-19 guidance and resources on NHS reform and digital solutions.

Delivering the COVID-19 vaccine - PCN Network board member Brigid Joughin discusses her experience of delivering the vaccine in our February 2021 edition, which includes guidance and easy to read one-page briefings on the latest COVID-19 developments for PCNs, a briefing with the NHS Confederation's Mental Health Network on partnership working, dates for your diary and must-see resources. 

COVID-19 - Our January 2021 edition is full of support for PCNs managing their response to COVID-19 and the vaccine roll-out, including a blog from GPS Healthcare PCN on their top tips to support PCNs in setting up a COVID-19 vaccination programme.

Vaccines - Our December 2020 edition included must-read resources and support, including on the imminent vaccine roll-out, as well as a recap of our first PCN Network conference and a video message from NHS England and NHS Improvement's Medical Director for Primary Care, Dr Nikki Kanani.

COVID-19 - Our November 2020 edition included must-see guidance on shielding, vaccines, testing and more, as well as a look ahead to our first PCN Network conference.

Workforce - PCN clinical director, and PCN Network board member, Dan Bunstone and PCN manager Tara Humphrey each blogged for us about the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme in our October 2020 edition, which focused on workforce, including resources and information and new must-see information for PCNs in the last month.

Focus on flu – our September 2020 edition provides helpful resources and guidance in preparation for the flu season, insights from Kat Dalby-Welsh’s pan-PCN flu programme in Yeovil, and other helpful resources

Mental health – for our August 2020 edition, Dr Sian Stanley speaks about the role of primary care networks in ensuring mental health provision, Professor Aruna Garcea reflects on the opportunities for PCNs to support local communities in delivering the mental health provision they need and we share helpful guidance, advice and support.

Health inequalities – Helen Kilminster reflects on health inequalities and the role of primary care networks in our July 2020 edition, while NHS Confederation chair Lord Victor Adebowale writes about how PCNs have the potential to be the drivers of change on health inequalities. The bulletin also features information, guidance and further reading about health inequalities and other issues relevant to PCNs.

Social prescribing – Dr Simone Yule and Dr Brigid Joughin write in our June 2020 edition about how social prescribing has added value to patient experiences; Christiana Melam and James Sanderson discuss how social prescribing has adapted during the pandemic and we share a wide range of resources, case studies and information.

Leadership – Our May 2020 edition introduces our PCN Network co-chairs Dr Farzana Hussain and Dr Mark Spencer and also includes reflections on leadership throughout the pandemic, resources and support on the theme of leadership and important guidance and information for PCNs.

Pressures for PCNs – Our first edition, in April 2020, introduces the network, takes a look at the landscape, pressures and opportunities for PCNs and shares guidance, support and information.