Primary care leadership development

Supporting primary care leaders and leadership.
Staff adding information on to a flip chart

Our approach to leadership development ensures that training is grounded in evidence-based approaches and practical application. We aim to support greater understanding of what is working effectively for primary care leaders and to surface and share those experiences in a safe and confidential way.

We will share these experiences here for the primary care community to engage with – not just our members – to help explore what more can be done to build more collective leadership and to support primary care leaders’ improvement work. This learning can be shared with wider system partners involved in the training, development, infrastructure and support of primary care leaders to help them develop their plans and priorities.

For members and participants of our leadership programmes, specific and practical leadership development support will become available shortly.

If your organisation is interested in finding out more about the NHS Confederation’s bespoke leadership development programmes, please contact to arrange a conversation. 

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